Project Marketing

It carries out the sales and marketing organization of all kinds of residential, office, hotel and commercial real estate projects operating all over the world.

Luxury Acarkent
Project Marketing

Project marketing is the process of strategic planning and implementation to deliver a product, service or idea to a target audience. This process includes various stages such as market research, target audience analysis, brand positioning, development and implementation of marketing strategies. An effective project marketing strategy ensures that the project is successfully marketed and achieves the targeted results.

In Figures
Luxury Acarkent

0 +
0 +
Managed Project
0 %
Happy Customer
0 +
Giant Staff
All Your Needs Under One Roof, You Produce, We Convert to Economic Value


We are with you at every stage of the project planning process, from land development to determining the project concept and pricing, so that you can realize the right project in the right location at the right price.


We manage all your media and promotional activities such as corporate identity, website, digital presentation files, foreign language advertising and promotional films, traditional and digital advertising works, social media
account management.


In order to achieve your sales targets, we manage processes such as determining sales channels, creating a sales team, realizing advertising and promotion activities, and managing agencies.


We design market analysis, project planning, project expectations of potential customers, determination of sales strategies, local markets that will guarantee profit and the best marketing strategies for you.


We carry out your offline and online reputation management with activities such as maintaining public relations and press relations, publishing your organization in publications such as television, newspapers and magazines, which will increase your reputation and brand value.


With our lawyers specialized in national and international real estate law, we provide consultancy in all areas of law, from flat-for-floor contracts to the preparation of sales promise contracts.

Luxury Acarkent


Unlike conventional project marketing companies, Project Marketing takes full responsibility for all processes of your project. It takes a holistic view of your project and your brand. Identifies all your needs. It manages all stages from the branding process of your company and brand to corporate reputation and sales processes with its expert staff.

Business Development Processes
Project Design
Project Marketing What is it?

Project marketing is a set of strategic and tactical activities developed to promote, market and deliver a specific project, product, service or idea to the target audience. This process is designed to successfully launch the project, engage with potential customers and ultimately achieve sales or set targets. While project marketing follows general marketing principles, it is customized to the unique needs and goals of a specific project.

Key components of project marketing include target audience analysis, market research, strategic planning, brand building, communication strategies, promotional activities, and sales strategies. This process also includes the project’s market positioning, competitive advantages and value proposition.

Target Audience Analysis

The success of project marketing depends on the ability to reach the right target audience. The target audience is the group of potential customers who will benefit most from the project’s products or services. Defining and understanding this audience correctly is key to creating effective marketing messages and selecting appropriate marketing channels.

Market Research

Market research is essential for the successful positioning of the project. Analyzing competitors, studying industry trends, and understanding customer needs and expectations play a critical role in developing strategic marketing plans.

Strategic Planning

A detailed marketing plan is developed to achieve the project objectives. This plan includes the tactics and strategies, budget, timetable and performance indicators necessary to achieve the set objectives.

Brand Building and Communication Strategies

An effective brand and communication strategy strengthens the project’s position in the market and creates an emotional connection with the target audience. Various tools such as advertising campaigns, social media, content marketing, events and PR activities are used to increase the visibility of the project and communicate messages effectively.

Promotional Activities and Sales Strategies

Promotional activities and sales strategies are implemented to attract and convert potential customers. By using various techniques such as discounts, special offers, product demos and after-sales services, customer loyalty is ensured and sales are increased.

In conclusion, project marketing is a comprehensive process that integrates strategic planning, market research, effective communication and customer-centric approaches to maximize project success.

Contact Us

If you want to get more information about our services and our company, you can contact us. By filling out the form on the contact page, we will contact you as soon as possible to provide you with detailed information and answer your questions. Feel free to contact us for any questions, suggestions or comments regarding our services and our company. We are here to help you.